My excuse: the first two weeks of school have me whipped.
I have no energy after school.
I'll get used to it soon.
I hope.
Anyway, since it's Labor Day,
and since I have the day off,
and since it's my BIRTHDAY month (!),
I definitely couldn't let the Currently pass me by!
About those trips:
I am not a lover of traveling.
When I travel, I want plenty of time to relax
read a book
drink fancy coffees and fancier cocktails
laze by a pool
or a lake
or any water, really.
But I have always wanted to see the Library of Congress -
I mean, really? a whole building filled with my favorite things??
I'm in!
in a cabin or a lodge
with a fireplace
and books
and coffee
or maybe... in a camper
with air conditioning
and books
and coffee
the mix of old and new
the food
the people
Need I say more?
Your turn:
Link up with Farley at

I have to go write those lesson plans now....
Guess they are not going to write themselves...
I've been waiting all weekend for those suckers to get busy...
It's not even the start of the school year for us and I am still absolutely exhausted! Teaching eh! Your camping sounds like my type of camping! Love the cabin idea - with the fire burning and someone bringing me meals!
Teaching Maths with Meaning
Reading does Rock! I also LOVE my birthday/birthday month, but guess what? I'm a Leap Year birthday so I only get a real birthday every four years. Can you believe it? I can't wait for 2016! Have a great holiday!
Grade 4 Buzz
I completely agree with your idea of camping - cabins all the way! (Tents? Not so much!) Would also love to see the Library of Congree - I think that would be amazing!
Miss Galvin Learns
Yes to cabin camping ~ no tents for me either!
It's my birthday month too! Have a wonderful birthday!
Reading Toward the Stars
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