I am linking up with Amanda at Teaching Maddeness. I need to put my resolutions out in the world. I'm hoping by writing it and posting it publicly, I'll be more inclined to keep them. *fingers crossed*
1. I resolve to get to school earlier than last year. School starts at 8:40 and teachers must be in the building by 8:30. Last year I rolled into the parking lot about 8:32 every day. Needless to say there wasn't much time to get a lot done before the kids showed up. This year I will get to school by 8:10.
2. I resolve to spend my planning periods planning instead of visiting. I cannot tell you how often I get to the end of my planning period and have nothing to show for it! The schedule is going to be different, so I won't have breaks at the same time as my friends this year, but that has never stopped me before; I can talk to anyone!
3. I resolve to prepare for my morning before bed every night. When I decide what to wear in the morning and pack my lunch before I go to bed, my morning is that much smoother. I do manage to do this sometimes, but this year, every night! This goal will also help me meet resolution #1! Bonus!
4. I resolve to cook lunches rather than relying on premade frozen dinners. I must have hot food for lunch, but I don't like to cook. This year, I will cook casseroles for the week. Geez, this one's hard to even write! OK, maybe I'll aim for at least 3 days a week of home cooked somethings. *fingers super crossed on this one* If anyone has any suggestions, I could use the help with this one!
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