Monday, July 22, 2013

It's Official!

I got a job!!

On Friday, I had my very first teaching job interview.  To say I was nervous is the understatement of the year.  I had been prepping/worrying for an entire week about what it would be like, what they would ask, what to include in my portfolio, what lessons I would teach - the list goes on!

I have to thank my friends - without their love, support and prayers, I don't think I would have been so prepared or confident going in.  By the time Friday came, I had heard from everyone (enough that I believed it!) that any school would be lucky to have me!

So, I took a deep breath, said a quick prayer of my own, and headed for the door...

Needless to say, the interview went GREAT!  I was {almost} offered a job on the spot.  (There was another interview later in the day.)  I was told not to accept any other offers between Friday and Monday without speaking with them first.  But, by 8:00pm that evening, the principal had emailed me an offer!

So, here's the scoop:

I will be teaching 4th/5th Grade Math and a section or two of Science and/or Social Studies.

The best part about my new school is I will have each group (4th then 5th) for TWO HOURS each!  I can't even imagine  how I am going to schedule two hours of math instruction yet, but I am absolutely thrilled with the idea!  In last year's classroom, I was lucky to carve out an hour block twice a week!  The other days, I had to make due with 40 minutes!

I am going in later this week to sign some paperwork.  I'm hoping to snap a few pictures of my classroom, so I can do some planning and maybe drop a couple of things off.  Sooo excited!!!

Right now, I'm off to the bookstore to get these two books:
Guided Math: A Framework for Mathematics Instruction Morning Meeting Book

I have to admit - while I like teaching math and I'm good at it, I have almost always read Literacy Professional Development books.  So it's time to catch up!  I know that Guided Math was huge among bloggers last summer, so I'm starting there.

What other PD books about math do you recommend?  Help a girl out!


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